- generateFileNameWithDateTimeStamp(String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.RandomDataGenerator
Generate file name with date time stamp.
- generateFileNameWithDateTimeStampAndPath(String, String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.RandomDataGenerator
Generate file name with date time stamp and path.
- getAllFilesAndFolderNamesFromDir(String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.FilesAndFolders
Gets the all files and folder names from the given directory.
- getAllFilesAndFolderNamesFromDir(String, String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.FilesAndFolders
Gets the all files and folder containing a 'String' in the name, from the given directory.
- getBrowser() - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.SelectBrowser
Initiates a new fresh browser session based on the value of "driverName" key in config.properties file
- getBrowserAndVersion(WebDriver) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.SelectBrowser
Gets the browser name and version number for the browser session which is initialized.
- getCenter(By) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.MobileCommonMethods
Gets the center.
- getCurrentDate(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Returns Current Date from local system in custom format and order.
- getCurrentDateFromNetwork(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Returns Current Date from global internet server in custom format and order.
- getCurrentDateFromNetwork2() - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Gets the current date from global internet server.
- getCurrentDateTimeFromNetwork() - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Gets the current date and time from global internet server.
- getCurrentDateTimeStamp() - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Returns Current Date and Time from local system in format(yyyyMMdd_HHmmss)
- getDateFromPastDays(String, String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Returns date of Past(specify difference in Days) from today in custom format and order.
- getDateFromPastYears(String, String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Returns date from Past(specify difference in Years) from today in custom format and order.
- getDateOfFutureDays(String, String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Returns date of Future(specify difference in Days) from today in custom format and order.
- getDateOfFutureYears(String, String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Returns date of Future(specify difference in Years) from today in custom format and order.
- getDropdownItems(WebElement) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.WebCommonMethods
Gets the dropdown items.
- getElementsPresentForSameLocator(WebDriver, By) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.MobileCommonMethods
Gets all the elements present for the locator passed.
- getLastModifiedFileFromDir(String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.FilesAndFolders
Gets the last modified file from given directory.
- getNextWeekSameDay(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Returns nextWeekSameDay in custom format and order.
- getProjectRootPath() - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.FilesAndFolders
Gets the project root path.
- getPropValue(String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.FilesAndFolders
Gets the property value for the key(passed as parameter) from the config.properties file located at project root
- getPropValue(String, String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.FilesAndFolders
Gets the property value for the key(passed as parameter) from the .properties file path specified
- getSelectedDropdownItem(WebElement) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.WebCommonMethods
Gets the selected dropdown item.
- getTomorrowsDate(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Returns tomorrow's Date in custom format and order.
- GetTweetStreamForKeywords() - Static method in class btac.sa.addon.SocialMediaReviewExtractor
- getYesterdaysDate(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.CurrencyDateTime
Returns yesterday's Date in custom format and order.
- googleClientID - Static variable in class btac.sa.lib.ReportParseGoogleUpdateForTestngReportWithoutLinks
The client id.
- googleP12File - Static variable in class btac.sa.lib.ReportParseGoogleUpdateForTestngReportWithoutLinks
The p12.
- googleReportParserExecutionFlag - Static variable in class btac.sa.lib.ReportParseGoogleUpdateForTestngReportWithoutLinks
The google report parser execution flag.
- googleSpreadsheetLogin() - Static method in class btac.sa.lib.ReportParseGoogleUpdateForTestngReportWithoutLinks